We do not talk enough about how Ramsey was planning to go up to fight Naven on his own.
He spent the whole show thinking of himself as just another scumbag, a criminal and a coward who only hurt the people around him with his golden tongue but still he walked right up to the foot of that tower prepared to do what he thought was right even if he had to face it alone
But he wasn't alone.
Though perhaps he could t quite see it, he had touched people throughout the story who wouldn't let him go alone, and in the end it was his kindness and friendship that helped them get past Charles and reach a hand out to Giovanni.
I don't have the neurotypicalness required to properly articulate this at the moment, but something about a person who used their talent for communication to hurt and steal from people and perhaps thought that was the only way he could be (I imagine having a word that means scam artist on his cv never won him many interviews) turn it around and instead find the connections that he could make could not only save him but the whole world too. Ugh.
Best member of the final party hands down. God speed to you you brave, compassionate little rat man.